Happy Birthday Baby Boy

Friday, September 8, 2017

Baby boy, you are five today. Five years, you have been in my life, and yet, I can't seem to think of you as anything but my baby. 

You are my youngest child, my first and only boy. When you were born, I finally understood the phrase, "no woman will ever be good enough for my son," because as silly as it sounds, I kind of want to be the only girl you love.

You were such a calm and cool baby when you entered this world. Your dad and I thought this was telling of how you would be when you got older. Turns out, we were wrong.

You spent your first two years physically catching up to your sister and cousins. Your arms were a bit more fragile and you took your time learning how to walk and how to run. But once your had it down, you took off.

Now I smile as I watch you charge down the street, or jump up and down in your batman cape as you rescue the good guys and capture the bad guys.

You care so much about people, you get sad when others feel sad and are happy when others are happy. 

I will never forget taking you to see Pete's Dragon in the theaters.

At one point in the film, when Pete has found a family to take him in and is reading a book with them in his room, Eliott, the dragon, peeks in and sees that Pete is happy without him. Eliott then turns away and flies off.

As you watched this scene, you broke out in tears. It was all too much for you, watching a sad and lonely Eliott fly away. You said, "Mama, Eliott still needs Pete, but Pete doesn't need Eliott." You were so distraught that I considered taking you out of the theater. Eventually you calmed down and continued to watch until the end when everything worked out and Eliott was no longer alone.

This is all part of who you are; a rough and tumble little boy who loves to play in the mud and sword fight, but also a boy who cares deeply and isn't afraid to cry. 

I couldn't think of a better combination. 

I am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. You make me smile constantly. I love you with all my heart and am convinced you will always be my baby boy, no matter how old you get.

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