
 Who Am I?

I'm Lauren. A mother, wife, teacher, etc. who is always trying to live better. Trying being the operative word. I love my two kids, Isa (pronounced 'Esa') and Morgan. I have the opportunity to daily parent these two with my ridiculously good looking husband, James, by my side. Together we love, struggle, create and grow. This blog is where I document our story as it unfolds.

What Do I Do?

During the working day, I am a 6th grade ELA teacher to an awesome bunch of 11-year-olds. I have been teaching for 11 years now and I absolutely love it. Helping little minds grow is my passion and I believe it's one of the things I was put on this big Earth to do. When I'm not teaching my 6th graders, I am mama to my kiddos and a wannabe runner. They are by far the largest and most important part of each day.

Where Do I Live?

My husband and I live in Maryland where I teach and he works for the county. While I am learning to love the East Coast, the Pacific Ocean still has my heart. Being born and raised in Southern California means I am constantly adjusting to living anywhere else. That being said, I love where we currently live. We have an incredible community of friends and family that lives right down the road. God is good and I believe He takes care of His people. My life is living proof of that.

Why I Blog?

I love to write. I love to take pictures of my kids and the beauty around me. I am attempting to become more passionate about my day to day. I want this blog to be a place where I can document all of these things. I hope you will join me in my musings and attempt to create art.

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