So I know it's already March and yada, yada, yada, and holy crap, I'm making a huge life transition in JUST 3 MONTHS! But, here's what I learned in February.
1. I love to read. I've always known this but something happened to me once I left college and wasn't forced to read things anymore... I stopped reading... like actual books, you guys. Like ones you hold and aren't projected on a computer screen. I jumped on the blog bandwagon and only read things if they had pretty pictures and could express their point in 1000 words or less. But lately I've started to pick up some good books and now I can't get enough. Here's some I've read lately:
2. I'm getting better at being OK with the unknown. This month and the next one will be a lot of waiting to get some answers about what next year will look like for us... job stuff, school stuff, house stuff; big things. I used to need to know answers, to have a detailed plan, and I've been surprised by my calmness in all of this, surprised by my patience in the waiting, the OKness with the unanswered questions. I honestly think I can thank motherhood for some of this. It has helped chill me out in many ways.
3. It's official, I can no longer use the word "baby" when describing either of my children. Isa is full blown little girl and Morgan is quickly moving out of toddler phase and into little boy phase. Hold on a minute while I weep over my keyboard.
4. I love being a teacher. I already knew this, but as I finish up my time teaching third graders in Mexico, I am reminded just how much I love this job. I love reading out loud and making crazy voices for the characters. I love making a fool of myself in order to ensure my students understand the steps of long division. I love making kids smile and getting them to think. And just incase you forgot the steps to long divison, here is a song to remind you. You're welcome.
5. I love warm weather. I do. Winter and cold are nice in theory, but what I really love is cut off jean shorts, tank tops and not wearing shoes. Barefoot, calloused feet on the hot sidewalk. Tan skin and a no makeup face. Just thinking about it makes me giddy.
So cheers to the end of March and the start of Spring!
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