We Are All Moms

Monday, October 13, 2014

Stay at Home Mom, Working Mom

Guess what word they both have in common?

It's easy, right? Mom.

Yeah... they're both mom's.

So why do we feel the need to include the first part of those titles?

It seems to me that the first parts of those titles are what like to cause all kinds of conflict. They create reasons why one is better than the other; one is harder than the other; one if more fulfilling; one is more guilt-filled; one is more selfless; and so on and so forth.

You know, the stuff Mom-Wars are made of.

As soon as we utter the first part of those titles, we create this divide between mothers.

A divide that somehow makes us forget the second part of the title. You know, the really important, what it's all about, mom part.

The thing that unites us, connects us in the crazy exhausting, joy-filled sisterhood that is motherhood.

So I want to propose something crazy.

Can we all stop using the first part of those titles? Could we drop the "Stay at Home" and "Working" part and just call it like it is. We are Moms.

I know it sounds hard to do. I mean, honestly so many of us, me included, cling tight to that first part of the title as part of our identity. We say, but it's who I am.

No, "Stay at Home" and "Working" are not who you are. It does not define who you are, it defines what you do. That second part of the title, the mom part, defines who you are; and just one part I might add.

So lets all make a pact, a mom-pact if you will. Lets cut out those pesky "Stay at Home" "Working" titles and unite in this crazy title of Mom.

All hands in. Say it with me, one, two, three... Moms!

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