Run, Lauren, Run

Saturday, February 22, 2014

This was me as a college sophomore. (I just typed softmore and had to go back and retype it. That's how tired I am).

I was not a star athlete. I was not the girl who woke up an hour early before classes to go running on the track. But I was the girl who could play decently well on the intramural softball team, could run 5 or so miles on the track when I felt the urge, and who didn't huff and puff as I walked up the steep hills of my college campus.

Fast forward 8 years and 2 pregnancies later and here I am, an out of shape 28-year-old mother of two with very little free time and even less extra energy.

Last week, while my husband and I were playing with our kids at a nearby park, I decided to try running a lap. About 1/3 of the way through I felt a shooting pain in my side and figured it was my insides exploding, so I'd better stop. I walked back over to James and told him about my insides and that I thought something might be wrong. He then responded by saying, um, yeah, or you're out of shape.

Turns out he was right. I guess I just hasn't ever really thought about it.

I always use the excuses, sure I'm in shape, I'm running after two little kids every day.

Or, sure I'm in shape, I'm an elementary school teacher, always on my feet.

Turns out, these things don't qualify one as "in shape."

So, I've decided to do something about it. But what makes this time any different from the other 10 times I've declared "I'm doing something about it."

I'm starting small. Really small. No big goals here, no major declarations.

I'm running for about 45 minutes, three times a week. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are the days we don't stay late at work and Isa doesn't have a class right after school. They are the days my husband takes the dog and the kids on a walk and I have some free time.

I used to use this free time to catch up on some blog reading, maybe start dinner, or just plain zone out. And rather than feel more relaxed and refreshed after that time, I felt even more exhausted and less motivated to physically interact with my kids for the rest of the day.

After running, I feel more energized, like I've accomplished something, however small.

So there you have it. My journey to not have exploding insides, to not feel like I just climbed Mount Everest every time I walk up the stairs at work, and to have more energy for my kids, has begun. I will be posting an update on my progress here on the blog once a week. Please come and join me, if you'd like. I'd love to have you!

Feeling good after my second run this week.

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