Navigating the Highs and Lows

Friday, January 31, 2014

I could feel it. That swelling in my chest. A frustrating encounter covered in defensiveness.

Guards up, annoyance at large.

Those times I wish I lived in a small bubble where only the interactions I enjoyed could live.

But that's not what happened.

Instead I engaged in the conversation, I felt the emotion rise and I left defeated and low.

The next day, a compliment in the morning, a good meal with a good friend; the high.

Later that day, a small shred of gossip, leaving the conversation feeling worse then when I entered it.

A low.

At home now and engulfed by a three-year-old's hug. A high. A kiss from my husband; a high.

Up and down, up, up then down, down. The waves of this life.

As I read "Oh The Places You'll Go," by Dr. Seuss with my daughter, I'm reminded of these highs and lows.

"Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.
Except when you don't because, sometimes, you won't."

Because sometimes you won't. It's in these moments I cling to the highs. The good, because there is so much of it. And isn't that the priority.

Pretending to be happy all the time is not the goal. In fact, I'd argue it brings more harm than good, but choosing to move on and remember the beautiful things you have is the key. Because there's always beauty.

It's the key to navigating those highs and lows. I write this today more for myself than anyone else. I need to hear it. To be reminded of those priorities which are so present and real in my life. The three-year-old, the little boy, the man I love. The sister, the family, the friends I have life-giving conversations with. The student who makes a connection.

Lord, help me to cling to the highs while remembering what the lows feel like. Help me to speak love and show love in my actions. I can't do this without you.


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